Thursday, 22 November 2012


I love new music, you could say I'm obsessed with new music! I'm one of those people who's in a club at night and would rather have them playing a remix of some local band that what "classes as music these days"

I guess I just have that thing in the back of my head that knows when I hear good music. Today I've been listening to a wide variety of stuff though, and I actually started listening to "Crystal Castles" and "TNGHT" and that's something I don't normally do, but I was really enjoying it. It must have been my third eye telling me that I was going to get some Electronic music to review, because about an hour later I got a message about "Teknishin" an Electronic artist from Scotland. So doing my usual thing that I do, I got my mind on the ball and started listening to the "Teknishin" Soundcloud page. So glad I did, and I'm so glad I had listened to Crystal Castles earlier because my mind was fresh with a highly rated artist in that field.

The tracks on the Soundcloud page are a clear example of what a good ear for music and some hard work and determination can achieve, taking into account that "Teknishin" has only been producing music for around 12 months and you'll agree that what he's produced is a great achievement.

"San Antonio Bay" is a track that takes me back to some great music from the 90's and early 00's possibly even back a little further. There's something very similar to "Infected Mushroom" and their early work. "Teknishin" seems to be able to bring an intricate and smarter sound to Electronic music than most and listening just simply to this track you can hear that come across.

With the music that "Teknishin" is producing, it seems that Electronic fans of all ages will love it. Jean Michel Jarre was a pioneer of Electronic music back in the 70's and there's time during listening to a "Teknishin" track where you imagine it could have been part of Jarre's work. There are other points where you feel that there could have been slight adjustments made to the tracks but never the less what you hear from Teknishin is well constructed and thought out pieces of music.

Teknishin is not yet the finished article, and I see a lot of  work going into to future productions, but there's no doubt in my mind that what lies in that brain is some serious works of art.

Check him out

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