Thursday, 22 November 2012

Sixth Avenue Traffic

I am possibly the worst in the world for Procrastinating..........I sit down to do one thing, like review an album or work on a Marketing Campaign and something else grabs my attention. One day I aim to sit down with my list of work and rattle through it in order and have it all completed without any distractions or any curve balls thrown my way.

"Sixth Avenue Traffic" proved to be quite a distraction today. I have a backlog of EP's to listen to and it's always the same, I end up hearing one song of the band I'm NOT supposed to be listening to and end up listening to the whole lot, then I come over here and start typing away. I'm pretty sure that in a few years time the Oxford dictionary will say this "Procrastination - [proh-kras-tuh-neyt, pruh-] To do a Martin McLaughlan and do something completely different to what you're supposed to be doing, Martin has missed out a lot of massive acts because he got distracted by someone else"

Anyway.......see I even procrastinate when I'm writing these blogs, I can never just write what's meant to be written. 

Sixth Avenue Traffic are an Alternative Rock outfit based in Glasgow, and they're one of those bands who I'm ashamed to say I hadn't listened to until today. With four tracks on their SoundCloud page, it's easy enough to get a feel for the sound that the band have. My first stand out point is the vocals, the vocals are so reminiscent of late 90's early 00's post-grunge. I automatically thought of a blend of Drowning Pool and Radiohead, so I wasn't surprised to hear that lead singer Chris Thomson is a huge Thom Yorke fan. If you can take an influence and mirror it so poignantly in your music and make the impact that this does then you automatically win brownie points from me.

"Ever changing light" is a knock out track from the four piece. Starting off with the focus mainly on the vocals in that "grungy esk nesss" (I've been assured that is a techincal term) it soon picks up the pace and evolves into a brilliant piece of music. The lyrics are powerful on their own and combined with the well constructed music make for some great listening. "Ever Changing Light" is a slow building rock song that could very well have came from the mind of Ed O'Brian himself.

"Burn Away" is another song that stands out, a different pace from "Ever Changing Light" but a piece of music crafted to instantly catch your subconscious with it's faster paced beat and a melody that gets stuck in your head for a long time after the song actually comes to an end.

Sixth Avenue Traffic are definitely a band who can write and produce good music and if this is anything to go by then I do believe that future material could be something to get excited about.

As for me, I think I'll be putting them in my favourites list for now.

Now.................time to get back to work.

Check them out!!!

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