Monday, 16 July 2012

The Talented in Ripley..

First of all a reminder that my old blogs are still there!! Go read them at

Secondly, months ago when I started doing this blogging review malarky I promised myself that I would remain unbiased and impartial when reviewing bands. So the fact that I'm about to review a band who I'm now managing caused the problem of "how do I get across that what I'm saying is the truth" and here's how I can prove it......

Go back and read some of my blogs and see how brutally honest I can be, notice that I don't hold back and quite frankly if I believe someone to be shite I'll come out and say it. Now picture this......would I waste my time on someone who I didn't think were worth it..........NO!!! It's a fact of life, I'm to honest about music for my own good sometimes and I like to think that's a good thing.

Anyway time to get started.

Yesterday I went down with Jiezuberband to a wee place called Ripley in Derby, after getting picked up at 7:40am and having a rather long car journey that included passing the worlds population of motorbikes parked outside a tiny row of shops we arrived around 2:30pm. The band on at the time weren't that bad, but if I'm honest it was like My Chemical Romance had just bleached their hair and pubes, merged with Muse and proceeded to take to the stage, there was nothingn captivating about them, so much so that I don't even remember what they were called.

Anyway, Jiezuberband took to the stage at 4pm, and for a moment you look at these guys and think "What the hell are they wearing" and just for that instant, whether you know who they are or not you think that it's not going to be entertaining..........just for a second though.
As soon as John starts playing the Bodhrun you pay attention, then the rest of the band join in for what can only be described as the worlds best pre-rehearsed Jam. It's a few moments of mind blowing extravaganzaness (if that's a word, if it's not then fuck off it is now)

The second song is where the band really takes it's form. The combination of John and Claires vocals are mind blowing, if I could put it to in one simple term it's like and Angel singing alongside a Hells contrasting but so perfect. There isn't a dud vocal note between them for the entire set and it's astounding how well matched their vocals are.

Gibby on his drums is a dab hand to say the least, he may look like a Beatle that's been catapulted through time but his drumming outweighs everything. From the timings right down to the fills, its pretty much perfection at it's best.

Scott on Guitar is phenomenal, they say guitar playing is an art and Scott has certainly mastered the art. There's a problem some guitarists have where they miss a string or they don't pick at the right pace, I've witnessed it happen a few times, but there's no doubt that it would never happen under the capable hands of this man.

Kenny on the Bass is like.........actually wait........before i go any further I do have a problem with Kenny. His onstage outfit makes him look like a mad dentist who's waiting to "Taste the Rainbow" (Skittles I want paid for that advertisment) but aside for that he's a bassist who really knows his stuff, the bass lines really give the music that depth that makes it stand out.

Finally onto the Keys and Mikey. I love keys, I always have. Partly because I was brought up with them by my dad who played pretty much anything with keys he could get his hands on. So when I see a band that incorporates them I always look forward to listening to them. I wasn't disappointed, three sets of keys and a million different ways of playing them (and thats just in the first 5 minutes of the set) I was utterly blown away. Not to mention that towards the end, whether its part of a song or not, those keys started playing the Doctor Who theme tune and I swear the Tattoo on my arm started getting a chubby!

All in all do I rate Jiezuberband...........hell yes....
Is this a biased

Sometimes you realise when a talent isn't actually a talent.....for example Scarlett Inside, Shrapnel, The 585's and more

Jiezuberband are a talent who are going to go on to do some amazing things. I'm going along for the ride and I hope to god you guys come with us

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