Monday, 31 December 2012

Lets get to the other side

When I first started writing a blog (and that seems like light years ago) I never really thought that anyone would read it. For a number of reasons really, the main one being that I always felt nobody thought what I had to say was worth reading. Now I sit here, with 30000+ page views (not counting the old blog site) and I am now having my work published in a newspaper.

It has been without a doubt one hell of a roller coaster of a year.

If you want to read my first "Article" or "Column" whichever you want to call it, you can buy the Irvine Herald this Thursday. I will be, mainly because I just want to see it's real. 

It's a weird feeling, not many people would figure it would mean so much to someone but when you've had a year like 2012, ending it on a high like this is just brilliant. My views on the world in a newspaper? It's mental isn't it!

I'm sitting listening to "Barcelona - Get Up" a song that I haven't listened to in years, well it's not that I haven't wanted to. I heard this song in 2010 and for some reason the name just escaped me and I could not find it anywhere I looked, then I sat yesterday for an hour hunting the internet for it and eventually I found it. It's always great when that happens. 

Tonight is New Years eve, and rather than have a repeat of last year when I woke up on a staircase at 7am with a man wearing a thong and a furry hat wishing me a "Happy New Year" and then disappearing into the night, I'm going to celebrate it with some close friends.

Every year people say that they're going to make changes for the new year. Whether it's giving up smoking or losing weight there's always a plethora of resolutions fly about. I'm not going to make any resolutions this year. I'm going to just make a promise to myself to stay focused on what I have at this moment in time and not let it slip away from me. 

Whatever you end up doing tonight, whether you sit at home with Whisky and Madeira Cake or whether you are in a club bouncing around downing JagerBombs I truly hope you have a great night and I will see you on the other side. May 2013 hold something special in store for you. 

Happy New Year

Monday, 24 December 2012

It's Chriiiiiiiiiiiistmas (eve)

As I sit here, thinking about what joys tomorrow will bring (Doctor Who) I've got the Detours blaring on the blowers and a playlist to follow that is most triumphant.

It's odd, the last couple of years I really haven't been in the festive spirit, but this year I feel really festive. Maybe it's down to the fact that I'm a stage in my life where I feel truly content. I'm not trying to reach for a star that is unattainable.

Anyway, there is no real point to this blog apart from to say Merry Christmas and if your playlist is as good as mine, then you have had a truly Magical Musical Year :)


The Detours
Anna Sweeney
The Colour of Logic
Stonehouse Violets
The Filthy Blues
Brown Bear and the Bandits
Little Fire
Johnny Graham
A Band Called Cadence
Emma McNeil
Carly Connor
Sonic Templars
The Banana Sessions
Dear Stars
Jay Ingram

Monday, 10 December 2012

Christmas Pimping

It's that time of year where you get two types of songs released. The first is the traditional Christmas Cover, where some musician(s) re-record a famous Christmas Track and are satisfied that they are now in the Christmas Spirit. I myself recorded a version of "Santa Claus is Coming to Town" last year. The other type, is the new and original Christmas Song. Where someone actually takes time to write and put together a track for the festive period. These are the one's I look forward to. However it's very rare that one of these tracks will get more than one play on my speakers, this year though, I've found a track that has had it's fair share of playing through the old blowers.

Chances are if you're anyone who knows anyone then you'll have been attacked with posts for the video of "Christmas Pimping, Everybody's Gimping" and my hope, is that you have taken the time to watch it.

"Christmas Pimping, Everybody's Gimping" is not your usual Christmas Song and yet at the same time encompasses everything you could want from a Christmas Song. It has the bells jingling in the background, a few "Tra La La's" and copious amounts of references to Santa along the way. Musical wise the song is very simple, there's no over the top instrumentation and the beat is very simple. Lyrical wise, this song is  Christmas Gold. I would however state, that no one listens to this track without opening up your mind to the world of what I now refer to as "Giro Humour" and as you can probably guess from that, the Girobabies do make an appearance. The track features Colonel Mustard & The Dijon 5, The Girobabies and The Plimptons.

As much as I had slightly gone off the Girobabies (and someone may need to slap me for that) my faith has been restored. Mainly because they have the best lines of the track. "The police are scum, locked up my" and "stick on a Pogues song and lets get.....single fished" are just a few of my favourites. 

The whole track is a track that is 100% worth listening to and purchasing. Not only is it a great piece of Christmas, but it's also for Charity and if it wasn't worth buying before it definitely is now. 

Christmas is gonna pimp your ass! and it starts here.

Or be a really really nice chap, and buy it here

Sunday, 9 December 2012