Tuesday, 21 August 2012

The dog has had it's day

Some people are born with talent, others strive to gain talent. If someone has talent then it should always be showcased, no matter how or where, there's always a time and there's always a place.

Normally in this blog I concentrate on either a solo artist or a full band, its very rarely that I take an individual from a band. When someone has to hang up a microphone it can be the most horrid feeling in the world, I remember I had to do it a couple of years ago and my life was completely empty. All it took was that push and I was "back on it"

I started talking to Taay earlier on, one of Scotland's finest rap artists, and asked what was happening with "The Underdog Theory" to be met with the words........"I'm not with them anymore"

In that instant, my heart sunk......for me The Underdog Theory were my favourite band to come out of Ayrshire in a long time. I remember their debut performance, their EP (which I still have a copy of somewhere) they worked so hard and were such a great band, that Taay leaving just basically........well......it sucked. Taay was my favourite part of that band, his lyrics were out of this world, the context of each line echos in my mind still to this day.

"We had a new lineup (minus a singer) and nothing was getting done, there were no jams, no anything. I just couldn't be fucked with the nothing anymore so with great regret hung up the mic"

When a Drummer, Bassist and Vocalist leave a band, the band tends to just give up, but The Underdog Theory kept striving to progress and stay on the path to success, unfortunately, they couldn't get the vocal ability that they were looking for.

"We had loads of singers in the pipeline, but we were looking for that 'specific' sound and just couldn't find it......Chasing the dragon if you will"

So for now it looks like The Underdog Theory is no more. One of the finest group of musicians Ayrshire has seen in a while, no longer putting out the music that people love.

"It's a shame man because the new music was just missing some key components and it would have melted faces......there was one song that sounded like..what you would get if you mixed Rage with Killswitch...it was fucking epic"

Taay is without a doubt one of the most talented lyric scripter that I have every came across.......personally I hope that he hasn't hung up his microphone for the long run. One day hopefully he'll pick it up again and show the world what magic he can scribe.......

"To be honest.......I don't know what i'm gonna do.....music is such a big part of my life, I hate not doing anything, but who knows. I had some really really good stuff written for the album, very mature music but nothing ever really came of it"

New music from the rap master? Surely that's something that everyone wants to hear? Personally, if that doesn't make it to a recording studio there's some major issues with the world of music. Perhaps a solo career could be in the pipeline for Mr Taay?

"No........it (the music) was all but finished but it wouldn't be the same to do solo I hate solo music. Personally I hate not having a 'team' being on stage isn't as fun and then there's the fact that you're your own worst enemy criticism wise"

So it looks like that's it final, the dog has had it's day, and as much as I'm gutted that Taay is no longer an Underdog, and I'm sure that most people reading this are having the exact same feelings as me, the heart sunk and the sadness set in as soon as those words "I'm not with them anymore" were read, I know you felt it because I felt it to. It's all well and good feeling a tinge of sadness for the man who gave TUT that boost and that dimension that made them so good, but how does the man himself feel?

"I miss UDT a lot man, I was there from the start (Paton and I were the founders) I came up with the name, we had a rollercoaster of a ride, I mean......we were finalists in the unsigned act of the year, just narrowly missing out. Then like that.......nothing .....obscurity.....it's a horrible feeling..............leaving was the hardest decision I've had to make"

However at least we can have Taays compositions to get us by www.soundcloud.com/theforgottenones

Ayrshire Acoustic Musicians

"Even the most used up and delapitated guitar can be made to sound like a musical instrument sent by the Angels"

Over the years I've came across my fair share of Acoustic acts who are second to none, and it goes without saying that 99% of these acts come from Ayrshire. This place has so much raw talent it's impossible to go through every single one of them. From Anna Sweeney to Taylor Buntain, Ayrshires acoustic scene is possibly the strongest in the world.

Lets take Alan Frew. It's a very very rare experience to witness someone performing with a nylon stringed guitar these days. For me Nylon strings were what the musical gods played to make the musical angels full of happy thought, and Alan does exactly that.When he strums the guitar it's a great experience to behold, combining that with his vocal abilities and it's what makes this man cream of the crop. However when he really starts to pick the guitar, that's when you're in for a treat. Alan is one of the most skillfully crafted musicians I've had the pleasure of seeing perform, whether it's an original song or a cover of Folsom Prison Blues, Alan Frew is a performer that everyone from the geriatric to the newborn would love to watch and NEED to watch. Put "Seeing Alan Frew Live" on your "Things to do before I die" list. You won't regret it and that's a promise.

Next there's Little Fire, one of the "shelves" as I like to call them. Let me explain......a "shelve" is someone who supports the music scene endlessly, who is always there and does a sturdy job of it. Aside from that......... Little Fire is one of the most accomplished musicians in Ayrshire, from television performances to support slots with Damien Rice, Little Fire has done more than what most musicians will accomplish in a lifetime. His music is heartfelt and warm. With each one of his songs Little Fires husky voice adds to an already beautifully crafted piece of music to give the listener a wonderful listening experience.

There's so many amazingly talented acoustic performers in Ayrshire.......Scott Nicol, Black and White Boy, Tragic O'Hara, Colin Hunter, Johnny Graham..........that if I was to sit and write about them all here I would simply have to dedicate the rest of my life to typing away at this keyboard.

Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Ayrshire Creative Music Awards

Around this time last year, I came up with the Ayrshire Creative Music Awards. However even though the sponsors were in place, the event never happened due to other duties I had to attend.

This year the ACMA's will go ahead. I'm currently in the middle of securing a venue for the Award Ceremony and am also in the process of selecting the nominees in each category. These categories will then be judged by an independent panel of judges before the big night.

It's going to be a celebration of what Ayrshire Music is. A showcase of the greats, and everyone getting the chance to win an award to show that they are the "prime roast" in their category!

From Best Acoustic through to Best Radio DJ it's going to be an awards show that will stick in Ayrshires mind.

If you think you're act should be nominated please email mmcl_music@hotmail.com and a bio and a track.

Once the date and venue is settled, then I shall announce what happens from then on.

It's going to be good.

Thursday, 9 August 2012

Dear Stars

Theres always that one band in the back of your mind who you love, but on occassion, forget to mention. Unfortunately for me that band is Dear Stars. I should have spoke about them a long long time ago! I'm actually annoyed at myself for just getting around to it just now.

I first heard of Dear Stars a couple of years ago, when they were a two piece comprising of Billy and Ross. Instantly I fell in love with the music. I was lucky enough to be on the same bill as them at Oxjam at the HAC in Irvine and it is one of my most treasured musical memories. I was stood backstage listening to these two guys put on a performance and show what music is truly about.

Fast forward a year to 2011 and Dear Stars has grown into a 4 piece and Ross is no longer part of the band. I was dubious about seeing these guys as a full band, a doubt I think I expressed to Billy at Harleys in Ayr. however once I witnessed them my mind was satisfied that it was a great decision.

Fast forward another year to 2012 and I'm eagerly anticipating the release of the EP. An EP which quite frankly if it doesn't hurry up I'm going to have to go down south and break into Dom Morleys studio and steal it.

Dears Stars are an energetic and passionate filled band. Who's music can only be described as unique. The mix of Acoustic with Full Band blends in perfectly. Where other bands may struggle to find that perfect sound, Dear Stars has captured it perfectly.

Billys vocals bring each piece of music to life, leaving nothing to the imagination. From the instant he opens his vocal chords you are entranced with what is about to follow. In terms of lyrics, I have rarely heard lyrics so perfectly suited to the music they are being written to. At times I'm tempted to describe it as lyrical genius.

The rest of the band fill the stage with an air of grace. From drums that are never a fraction out of time to the bass with adds the depth that - even though it's not truly needed - gives the music that sense of completion.

Dear Stars are an amazingly talented group, considering a few facts and taking into consideration that in just under a year they headlined and sold out  King Tut's.

Dear Stars are the future of music, and I'm just sitting here patiently waiting the EP, but if it doesn't hurry up I don't know how much longer I can stay patient.

Wednesday, 8 August 2012

"He's from Barcelona"

I'm aware that this month marks the start of that eagerly anticipated, showcase of the musical immortals "X-Factor" Now as I sit here thinking about everything that's wrong with shows like X-Factor my mind occasionally glances over what's good about it........and here it is.........there's nothing good about X-Factor!

Since 2004 we have been mind numbingly bored by Simon Cowell and his cronies on a show that oozes the musical talent of Ed the Duck and My Morning Farts combined. I'm not saying that any of these of the numpties who audition for the show are untalented, but the talented ones rarely get past the audition stage, and lets be truly honest....the really talented ones don't audition in the first place.

Could you imagine if one Saturday night you were sitting and all of a sudden Melisa Kelly pops up on X-Factor doing her best Jessie J impression or if Little Fire appeared and started singing Boyzone? It just doesn't happen.

Mindless, Self Obsessed, Penis Licking, waste of talent and waste of airtime.

So many shows have came along and promised to "break the tradition" by having true talent showcased. I've yet to see it! The Voice came along and said it was different, because they only focused on "The Voice" of the performer, that lasted all of one round, until the judges started seeing who was performing and all the mankies got thrown out!

It's a sad state of affairs, and unfortunately it's true. Television Talent Shows are nothing but a showcase of people who want to be pumped rotten by the nearest rich guy who can give them a record label. "Oh Mr Cowell, give us a record deal" ..... "No problem love, spread em legs like butter"

I'm wracking my brains trying to work out what the hell keeps this show on air. We're now approaching Series 9! 9 Series??? I mean surely that's past it's sell by date?

For example, some truly genius television shows never made it past the second series! Fawlty Towers for example, a show that was truly magnificent, and brought joy and laughter to so many people ended after two series. X-Factor - a show that makes people cringe and feel sick lasts for 9 series. I'm sorry but am I missing something?

Jedward can't sing, I think this is a fact of life that we're all aware of. However this pointless television show has made them international stars and made us suffer for hours on end at these ADHD arseholes who use each others manky jizz to gel their hair up.

Fuck X-Factor- Fuck The Voice - Fuck TV Talent Shows

I'm going to approach Channel 4 and get them to back my idea of a talent show. It's called "Only True Musicians" and here's the best part, if anyone walks into an audition and can't sing or play an instrument for shit, they get shot in the back of the head infront of a studio audience. These untalented no hopes basically kill us with their musical murder. I for one can 100% say I will not be watching X-Factor this year, even if Tulisa does a live version of her porno on stage, I will simply be changing to another Channel and watching something worthwhile, plus it's not that long until Doctor Who starts back on the TV!

Monday, 6 August 2012

Olympic Gold, Prostitutes, Clowns on Unicycles and Cider

First off, people are still asking me where the old blogs are so once again I'll point you in that direction http://undergrounduncovered.blogspot.co.uk/ bookmark it if you want!

Some weekends are made for sharing, others are made for chilling out and this weekend was definitely a weekend for sharing. I saw some amazing musicians from far and wide, I tasted Cider from the farthest corners of the globe and I was propositioned by what is possibly the ugliest prostitute known to Human Kind......our conversation went along these lines "Want some Company?" .... "Fuck Off"
Added to that that this weekend I saw a Woman urinate against a wall like a Man, a Clown on a Unicycle, a bus full of bright red headed women, a man in a dress walking about town like it was normal and heard the Prince of Bel Air sung in the style of The Proclaimers, I have to say it was a very interesting weekend. One that I certainly look back on and try and work out if at any point someone slipped an acid into my drink!

First off I'm going to start by talking about Emma Mcneil, a 14 year old who just came off the back of the Wickerman Festival. Taking aside the fact that she is one of the nicest young girls you could ever meet in your life she is also a very very talented musician. I've been in the music scene for over a decade and every year I stumble across someone amazing who I am in complete awe of. Last year it was Anna Sweeney and this year it's Emma McNeil. She has the voice of an angel, and a stage presence that most experienced musicians would envy. Her stand out performance was that of her own song "Roses are Red" an anti-valentines day song, and a song which was without a doubt a mark of true genius. If you're going to give anyone of the year 10 out of 10 then it has to be Emma McNeil.

Secondly there's Shannon Slawta, a musician who's hidden in the background. There's no reason for that to be the case, if I could pick my stand out song from the weekend then it would be her version of "The Girl" by City and Colour! Anyone who knows me, know that I cover that song and as it is possibly one of my most loved songs I'm very critical about it! However, Shannon pulled the song together and gave it a performance that even Dallas Green himself would be enviable of. Her voice is unique and so strong that at one point I looked around during her set and one of the guys looked like the tears were building behind his eyes. Shannon is a favourite for the next 12 months, one to look out for without a doubt.

Mikey Reid, where do I start? The first thing I noticed about Mikey was his dulcet tones. It reminded me so much of Johnny Cash with a hint of Aaron Lewis. His technical abilities on the guitar leave everyone in absolute astonishment. For me hearing anyone pull off Johnny Cash the way Mikey did leaves me weak at the knees. Throw in him doing a cover of the Fresh Prince of Bel Air theme tune with my glasses, dancing like a Proclaimer and singing like a Proclaimer and you're onto a winner. Whether the audience was 7 people or 7 thousand people, I have a feeling the end result would have been the same, Mikey Reid is a performer and I hope to God that somone comes along and signs him, because it would be a crying shame if this man did not do MASSIVE things in the music industry.

Finally the last act I'm going to talk about is the Vest Wearing, Mistake Making, Hat Parading, Singing Machine that is Andy McConnell. I've saw Andy perform in Harleys on numerous occassions and everytime I've absolutely loved it. He is one of the most laid back performers I've ever had the pleasure of seeing. This time he brought with him a small music stand to set his lyrics upon, as he has a tendancy to forget lyrics, but that's what makes his set so magnificent. King of Spain by The Tallest Man on Earth is a song which he plays to it's fullest, and in all honesty I prefer Andy's version than any other. He graced the stage on both Saturday and Sunday and on Sunday he made very very few mistakes, so few that after his set I actually told him that I was disappointed with it. The thing is, Andy is one of the best Vocalists I've heard in a long long time, his range is mind blowing. His guitaring is something that at certain points makes me jealous. I want Andy to release an album, sell that album and go off and tour the world. He has the talent and the potential, he just needs to put himself out there a bit more.

I played a couple of sets at Harleys, I love that place. It wasn't where I played my first gig, it isn't a place that I spend alot of my time in and yet it's somehow my Musical Home! My highlight when I was playing was the set up I had for Beautiful Junkie! If you haven't heard Beautiful Junkie then it's basically James Blunts - Beautiful with words about a Glaswegian Junkie. A song which i pat myself on the back for because I never knew I could write comedy songs until I came up with this one. Anyway, on Saturday I was on stage and I had already played Beautiful Junkie earlier on in the day, when during my Second Set a Junkie actually walked into the bar, asked if I played requests, and then asked if I knew any James Blunt. I couldn't have asked for a better set up than that.

All in all Ciderfest was a terrific weekend, apart for there not being a bouncy castle and the Koppaberg Taster Girls not showing up, I had even worked on my best chat up line for them! I think "Haw you, pants doon" is a chat up line that will frequent the greatest self help books in years to come.

Friday, 3 August 2012

Ciderfest/Prestfest fucking awesome weekend fest

Some weekends can go past and there's nothing going on really, apart from the odd gig or the odd "mini-festival" but every so often you get a weekend where the talent will blow you away!

First off this weekend we have "PrestFest" 70 acts in 17 venues over 3 days! Starting tonight and rolling right through until Sunday. Tommy Reilly is the first name that sticks out for me, after winning Channel 4's Orange Unsigned Act in 2009 he has gone on to play some of the best venues around the UK. Added to that the fact that his first single "Gimme a Call" reached number 14 in the UK charts in it's first release week. Him coming to play PrestFest is one of the many reasons that you should be in attendence. Other acts include the amazing Anna Sweeney, someone who I have a lot of respect for both on a musical level and personal level. She's one of the nicest people you could ever meet in your life (if you disregard the rumours about her alcoholism) and also one of the great singer/songwriters that Scotland has to offer. Added to the PrestFest line up are Little Fire, Scott Nicol, The Craybees, Twisted Melons, Mark Copeland and The Sharps. The Sharps are a band from Largs who I've become quite familiar with in recent weeks. They are definitely worth checking out and giving them some of your attention. Another band who I implore you to go and see are the Stonehouse Violets who are at the Eagle on  Sunday Night at 6:30pm.

If by any chance you don't fancy going along to one of the many great acts that PrestFest has to offer then why not pop along to the two day extravaganza of CiderFest at Harleys in Ayr. One of my own acts Shannon Slawta (recently brought on board to UUC Management to joing Jiezuberband and Broken Alphas) will be performing what is without doubt going to be one of the best sets of the entire weekend. Added to Politics of Time, an act who without a doubt matures over time. I'm not going to lie, when I first heard Politics of Time I wasn't impressed but the more you listen and the more determined he is to improve then the more I started to appreciate the talent. Then of course, there's me. I will be performing a set, apparently on both days, which I'm really confused about how I signed up to one day and ended up with two. Apparently that's how they roll!

Acoustic Bliss on Saturday night at the Firehouse, a staple point of Ayr music events. One of the greatest nights of the week, every week.  Pop along and you might just enjoy yourself.

I myself am looking forward to Ciderfest, mainly because I'm getting free food. Anyone who says there's no perks to being a musician couldn't be further from the truth!!

Stonehouse Violets on Sunday night are going to be amazing, I'm going to watch them put on a terrific show before I need to jump on a train to go to Glasgow to watch my boys Broken Alphas rip up the Cathouse! Busy weekend, but a weekend that nobody will forget!

Fuck the olympics, this is where the real shit's going on!